We are cavers. We are explorers. We are the
Northern Rocky Mountain Grotto

Welcome to the Northern Rocky Mountain Grotto website! We invite you to become part of our caving community. The NRMG is a recognized Internal organization of the National Speleological Society (NSS).

We are Montana’s only grotto!

Chartered in 2000, our purpose is to promote the discovery, exploration, scientific study, and conservation of caves and karst. Our club consists of members who actively survey, inventory, map, photograph, monitor, and recreate in caves in all parts of the state of Montana, Idaho, the Northern Rockies, Canada, and beyond! Although our core group is centralized in Montana, our membership is diverse and currently spreads across Washington, Idaho. Wyoming, Utah, Texas, and California! The NRMG is a unique club – we are very spread out,  yet somehow we’ve kept our club active and together for over 19 years!

The NRMG is 236 members strong!
Learn more About Us and Join the NRMG today.

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Previous Events

Bozeman Caver BBQ!

Bozeman Caver BBQ!

Jul 11, 2024
Jul 11, 2024
Bighorn/Horsethief Cave Survey

Bighorn/Horsethief Cave Survey

Jun 1, 2024
Jun 2, 2024