The Bigfork High School Cave Club has exhaustively documented features in Montana’s caves. In this presentation, they walk us through some patterns of graffiti and the fascinating history that can be interpreted from cave walls. Which cave has the most graffiti? Which one has the oldest date? The answers may surprise you.

Greetings to Bigfork High School Cave Club members! I just watched your video about “graffiti”/Historic Inscriptions in western Montana caves. Outstanding work. Your methodology is excellent – certainly kudos to your guiding faculty. We have both limestone and sandstone caves in eastern Montana that have similar content. For background, I have a PhD in Anthropology with extensive research in historic inscriptions on the Northern Plains. Realize when you document this cultural material – and I was glad to hear that you are aware that ‘things over 50 years old are protected’ – that it is a communication medium representing a… Read more »