The officers of the Northern Rocky Mountain Grotto have been hard at work, now to sign another agreement with the USFS. Basically, this agreement is similar to the original NRMG/USFS agreement signed back in 2014 with a few exceptions. The main exception is that this agreement is no longer funded, since we now own all the loaner and decon gear that we need. Basically the document states…
- Keep submitting Trip Reports within 30 days of any Montana based caving trip
- Contact agency personal ASAP if we notice any sign of WNS on our bats
- Decon and store loaner gear to share with out of state caver
- Work with the NRMG on cave management issues
- Host meetings to discuss and identify project opportunities for cooperative work on mutually beneficial projects
- When available, provide funding for such a project
- To promote clean caving to the masses
- White-nose Syndrome has had devastating effects on bat populations. Concerns for bat populations may require new restrictions or protocols such as certain decon protocols, dedicated cave or research gear, etc.
- Cave entrance location coordinates or cave entrance location maps will not be made publically available by either the NRMG or the USFS per the Federal Cave Resources Protection Act of 1988
This agreement is effective through December 31, 2023
Grotto members who are logged in to this website can see the agreement directly below this text!
Grotto members who are logged in to this website can see the agreement directly above this text!